Tuesday 29 July 2014

Situational Theory of Leadership :

It says that, Leadership is a function of the situation, and an effective leader is one who assesses the situation accurately, uses a style appropriate to the situation, is flexible, and is able to influence and alter the situation.

According to Hersey and Blanchard, there are four main leadership styles:

·        Telling (S1) – Leaders tell their people what to do and how to do it.
·        Selling (S2) – Leaders provide information and direction, but there's more communication with followers. Leaders "sell" their message to get people on board.
·        Participating (S3) – Leaders focus more on the relationship and less on direction. The leader works with the team, and shares decision-making responsibilities.
·        Delegating (S4) – Leaders pass most of the responsibility onto the follower or group. The leaders still monitor progress, but they're less involved in decisions.

According to Hersey and Blanchard, knowing when to use each style is largely dependent on the maturity of the person or group you're leading. They break maturity down into four different levels:

·        M1 – People at this level of maturity are at the bottom level of the scale. They lack the knowledge, skills, or confidence to work on their own, and they often need to be pushed to take the task on.
·        M2 – at this level, followers might be willing to work on the task, but they still don't have the skills to complete it successfully.
·        M3 – Here, followers are ready and willing to help with the task. They have more skills than the M2 group, but they're still not confident in their abilities.
·        M4 – These followers are able to work on their own. They have high confidence and strong skills, and they're committed to the task.

The Hersey-Blanchard model maps each leadership style to each maturity level, as shown below.

Maturity Level
Most Appropriate Leadership Style
M1: Low maturity
S1: Telling/directing
M2: Medium maturity, limited skills
S2: Selling/coaching
M3: Medium maturity, higher skills but lacking confidence
S3: Participating/supporting
M4: High maturity
S4: Delegating

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